GOAT is creating a new category of + size grips

GOAT is creating a new
category of + size grips

Performance Oversize

Our TP Series progressive shaft core allows us to affect offset, dynamically
influence your stroke, and create a new level of face management

and we're just getting started

The LFG Story

The LFG Story

Low Forward TP grips were born from the idea that we wanted to combine all the benefits of a big grip with the performance of a small grip

Low Forward TP grips were born from the idea that we wanted to combine
all the benefits of a big grip with the performance of a small grip

With small grips the player’s lead hand nearly rests along the lead side of the shaft, positioning the face’s designed offset under the lead hand.  There’s a sense of “connection” from the top of the shaft down to the face, making it easy to instinctively line up the shaft and “time” impact as the head moves along the arc.  However, small grips by the nature of their size want to be more active, making it challenging to deliver the face with repeatability.

Players searching for more consistency will install larger grips in hopes to better quiet the face and manage the closure rate, but when a larger body center core grip is installed on the same putter, effective offset is increased as well as the lead hand being pushed farther in front of the low point of the putting arc.  This disrupts flow, impact timing, introducing compensation to deliver the face and shaft lean.   After a few rounds of playing the center core oversized grip, the player is already beginning the search for another alternative.  

Our low forward TP (TRU Performance) core solution was to simply restore the relationship of the hands, shaft, face, and low point in a more stable platform.  The lead hand is still in the same relationship to the low point of the arc, the same distance in front of the face, and its close proximity to the lead side of the shaft so impact can remain in the same location along the arc.   

More awareness of the shaft makes it easier to line up the shaft and deliver with the desired shaft lean consistently (effective loft) and with the lower “ride” the player can connect onto the quiet part of the shaft for outstanding repeatability.  Our long-term goal is to guarantee the player, no matter the size; 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 impact will always be predictable while making is easy to consistently line up the shaft, face and hands. 

Goat Low Forward design v Competition

Shape = purpose

The choice is yours

Match your needs to a shape

Flat Front to dial in face awareness or Round with an extra wide top paddle to feel the shaft plane.
  Both offer deep rounded trailing portions to accept any gripping style with off the charts stability

why play a goat tp?

Maintain effective offset- to consistently predict impact at same place along the arc

Preserves relationship - of the lead hand with the shaft, face, and low point of the stroke

Smooth Transistion- more grip is under the shaft to encourage the face to stay tru to the arc

Off the Charts Stability- the deepest trailing portion in the industry increase our connective stability



Center Shaft Core in Larger Grip Body

-Effective offset increases as the grip body becomes larger
-The lead hand also relocates farther in front of the stroke low point on the arc
-Top of grip moves higher above the shaft plane



Progressive TP Core in Larger Grip Body

-relocated the shaft core progressively more forward to maintain effective offset
-Relationship of the lead hand and low point of the arc are restored
-relocate the grip lower on the shaft so player can connect onto the “quiet” part of the shaft
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